Dr. Martin Luther King
One of the regrets of my life is that I
did not join in the great United States Civil Right struggle. Of course, I
was somewhat too young ( I was 16 in 1963 ). I was raised in a racist
home, but some how, some way, I have been a strong supporter of the civil rights
of all individuals for all of my adult life.
- The
Martin Luther King Holiday Page An excellent Web Page which
marks the 10th anniversary of the creation of Dr. King's birthday as a national
holiday. Maintained by The Seattle Times, which took a leader
ship role in its
community by making Martin Luther King Jr. Day a company holiday, by urging
other corporations to follow, and by organizing a regional media campaign in his
Luther King Day of Service "This
information is intended to help you prepare an effective project, connect
with national service initiatives, promote your project to the media and the
public, and draw attention to Dr. King's legacy of service and justice."
King's Web Page "The preeminent leader of the modern civil
rights movement in the United States, Martin Luther King, Jr., was a charismatic
dissenter who embodied and transformed the African-American social gospel
tradition." This Stanford University Web Page dedicated to Dr. King has
links to full-text documents of Dr. King, and to other resources on his life and
Times: Martin Luther King Jr. - Few have had as much impact upon the
American consciousness as the late civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr. As we mark the 71st anniversary of King's birth, we hope you will join us in
a dialogue about the role King played in shaping America -- and about where
we're going. An extensive site featuring: The Man, The Movement, The Legacy, The
Holiday, Electronic Classroom, and Talking About It.
to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University -
The King Papers Project is a major research effort to assemble and disseminate
historical information concerning Martin Luther King, Jr. and the social
movements in which he participated - Educating diverse audiences about King's
ideas and achievements: Papers, Speeches, Sermons, Autobiography, Biography,
Chronology and Articles.
Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - By Professor Melvin Sylvester,
Long Island University.
Luther King, Jr., NHS - Online Visitor Information Center - visit Dr.
King's boyhood home, spiritual home and his final home without ever stepping
foot in Atlanta. The Resource Center includes links to a variety of Martin
Luther King, Jr's Speeches, United States Congress Acts, Bills, Public Laws,
etc. as well as Speeches and Essays by others about Martin Luther King,
The Nation Remembers
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Fox News Special - Article, Photo Essays,
Related Stories, Video Segments.
All About
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Printout with brief biography and picture to
Home Page: Martin Luther King,
Jr. National Historic Site - General Information, Visitation, Location,
Address, Telephone, Operating Hours, Climate, Directions, Transportation, Fees,
Visitor's Center Exhibits, Trails, Programs, Lodging, Food, Concessions,
Accessibility, Recomended Activities, Reservations, Basic Visit Recommendations,
Special Events, Adjacent Visitor Attractions, and Additional Information.
Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site - Basic information plus a
calendar of events.
King Center - Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social
Change, Inc. Established in 1968 by Coretta Scott King as a living memorial
dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the work of Martin Luther King,
Jr., the King Center can provide you with contacts for the King Holiday and a
wide range of resources including King related news, historical information, and
KING CENTER - A Living Memorial, Historical Perspective, Training A New
Generation of Peacemakers, Empowering For Change.
Online - The BEST Source for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Biography, The
Holiday, Multimedia, Speeches, Quotes, Bookstore, The Man.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Observation - New York State -
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Celebration Information plus biography,
community initiatives, Humanitarian Awards, and National Observance.
Black History
- Exploring African-American issues on the web.
King's Atlanta - Birthplace of a Leader.
Martin Luther King, Jr. -
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black History Month - Web Resources
Letters, Writings of Martin Luther King
Purpose of Education - Morehouse College - 1948.
Negro and the Constitution
Letter to American Christians - Sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church,
Montgomery, Alabama - 4 November 1956.
Us the Ballot," Address at the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom,
Washington, D.C. - 7 May 1957.
Your Enemies - Sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Montgomery,
Alabama - 17 November 1957.
Knock at Midnight - Published in "Strength to Love" in 1963.
I Have a Dream -
Keynote speech at March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom - 28 August 1963 -
More than a quarter of a million people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to hear
this speech - This speech is remembered as one of the most stirring and most
famous speeches of the century.
Speech - By Gunnar Jahn, Nobel Peace Prize 1964.
Nobel Prize
Acceptance Speech - Delivered by Dr. King, Jr., upon receiving the Nobel
Peace Prize - Oslo, Norway - 10 December 1964.
American Dream - Sermon, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia - 4
July 1965.
for a Constructive Church - Sermon, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta,
Georgia - 5 June 1966.
Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" - A meeting of Clergy and Laymen
Concerned about Vietnam, New York, N.Y. - 4 April 1967.
Three Dimensions of a Complete Life - Sermon, New Covenant Baptist
Church, Chicago, Illinois - 9 April 1967.
"Where Do We Go
From Here?" - Presidential Address - Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia - 16 August 1967.
Jesus Called a Man a Fool - Sermon, Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptist
Church, Chicago, Illinois - 27 August 1967.
is Your Life's Blueprint? - Barratt Junior High School, Philadelphia, PA
- 26 October 1967.
Are We Going? - Excerpts from Chapter "Where are we going" in
Martin Luther King's last book "Where do we go from Here: Chaos or
Community?" (New York: Harper & Row, 1967).
"I've Been to the
Mountaintop" - Also referred to as "I See the Promised
Land" - Mason Temple, Memphis, Tennessee - 3 April 1968, the evening before
his assassination.
Indianapolis Speech - Robert Kennedy's Speech on Martin Luther King,
Jr.'s Death, Indianapolis, Indiana - 4 April 1968.
Martin Luther
King Holiday:
King Holiday
Chronology - Events leading up to establishment of the Martin Luther
King Holiday in all 50 states.
The History of
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Who originated the idea of a national
2001 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Celebration - Dare to Care: A
New Century Unfolds - National Calendar of Events - Select your state to see the
event information.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Page
grab paintbrushes as volunteerism surges - Christian Science Monitor,
January 19, 1999.
Birthday MLK - Poetry by Myra Cohn Livingston and Stevie Wonder plus a
variety of information.
Online - The Holiday - Background, Information and History.
History of the
Community Service Initiative - New York State - Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. - Holiday Celebration.
Holiday - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Seattle Times - Creating a Day:
How the Martin Luther King holiday was born, Countdown: Key dates in the
creation of the holiday, Why we celebrate: A few words from the executive editor
and the publisher of The Seattle Times.
Luther King, Jr. Day - Federal Holiday Proclamation - 14 January, 1994.
Luther King, Jr. Day - King Day marked with prayer and volunteerism.
Holidays In The U.S.A.: Dr. Martin Luther King Day - Information on
Martin Luther King and the History of the Holiday from the U.S. Embassy.
Lesson Plans:
Luther King, Jr. Lesson Plans from lessonplanet.teacherwebtools.com - 12
Lesson Plans to choose from.
Elementary Grades
Luther King in the Classroom - Elementary - Ideas and Activities, Poem
for Choral Reading, and suggested literature.
Luther King, Jr. - Elementary - a poem with discussion questions - from
RHL School. Concepts Taught: Racial equality; Rejecting violence as a tactic.
Martin Luther
King Day at The Holiday Zone - Elementary - Arts and Crafts, Discussion
Topics, Language Activities, "Lift Every Voice and Sing", Songs for
Children, and Recommended Links.
Multicultural Education
- Elementary - This is a unit that would be used during the month of January in
observance of Martin Luther King's birthday. I wrote this lesson to provide my
students with a better understanding of other cultures and races. Most of my
students do not have the opportunities to experience other cultures.
Treated Equally - Kindergarten - To let children experience prejudice
first hand, in reference to Martin Luther King Day. As hard as it is to slight
my children in this lesson I feel that it is a real learning experience for
Luther King Jr. - Grade 1 - In January we celebrate the life and dream
of Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a man who believed in using nonviolent methods
to gain justice and equality for all people. I hope these activities will help
you celebrate this incredible man.
Rights and Equality Regardless of Color - Grade 2 - American
Civilization/Geography: Lesson 28 - Civil Rights, Lesson 29 - Equality
Regardless of Color, Lesson 30 - Women's Rights and Roles.
Line Ups (Teams)
- Grades 2-3 - The student will sequence Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and
discuss his impact on changed attitudes.
Holidays - Grade 3 - Students will identify the federal holidays.
Students will learn why each holiday is celebrated. Students will learn the
history of each holiday. Students will identify how the celebration of each
holiday ties the nation together.
Martin Luther King Day - Grades 4-5 - People all over the world
celebrate Martin Luther King Day. Many different activities and celebrations
occur. Here is a list of some of the most common ways that people honor Martin
Luther King, Jr. on this special day.
Luther King Jr. - Grade 5 - Timeline, Discussion and Story Writing
Activities - The students will recognize the chronology of Martin Luther King's
life, the students will have an understanding of the Jim Crow laws and the
students will become familiar with the speech "I Have a Dream."
Middle School
Across the Pages of History from Letter from a Birmingham Jail - Grade 6
- Lesson Objectives: interpret King's words and identify King's mood. There is a
long list of extension activities for this lesson.
what ways did the Civil Rights movement change the lives of African Americans?
- Grades 6-8 - The students will be able to describe important events in the
Civil Rights movement, appreciate what it was like to participate in those
events, and explain how those events changed the lives of African Americans,
explain the important role Martin Luther King, Jr., played in the Civil Rights
movement, recognize alternate views in the Civil Rights movement and compare
them to the views of Dr. King, describe success and failures of the civil rights
movement, appreciate the need to respect the rights of all persons, interpret
primary resources and recommend possible solutions to civil rights problems.
Luther King, Jr. - Grades 6-8 - Upon completion of this lesson the
student will be able to: write a short biographical sketch of Martin Luther
King, Jr., write important dates and events chronologically in the life of
Martin Luther King, Jr., view a film “The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.”
and write a paragraph about the film, give a short play on the events of
December 1, 1955, when Mrs. Rosa Parks was told to give up her seat on the bus
and act out her arrest then show her explaining the reasons for her action to a
group of reporters after she has been released from jail.
Civil Rights Movement - Grade 8 - Integrated Unit - This two week unit
on the Civil Rights Movement incorporates the core disciplines of social
studies, language arts, math, and science.
Minute: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Teacher's Version - Grades 8-12 -
This commeration day provides students with the opportunity to explore the
history behind this day and this charismatic man by following the links below.
By completing the lesson which follows, students will learn that Civil Rights
legislation (developed thanks, in part, to MLK) actually occurred after the
beginnings of the development of the black middle class and did not precede it.
High School
King Day Observances Activities - Grades 6-12 - Classroom and Larger
School Activities - We designed these activities to be included in our
celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 1999.
Minute: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Teacher's Version - Grades 8-12 -
This commeration day provides students with the opportunity to explore the
history behind this day and this charismatic man by following the links below.
By completing the lesson which follows, students will learn that Civil Rights
legislation (developed thanks, in part, to MLK) actually occurred after the
beginnings of the development of the black middle class and did not precede it.
Using the Web to Learn
History: Martin Luther King, Jr - Grades 9-10 - In groups use the Web to
search and create a time line of the life and happenings in Martin Luther Kings
life. The time line should not just reflect the life of Dr. King but it should
include the events and feelings of the time period. Start collecting information
for your report. Remember your report will not only be about Dr. King, It will
be about the civil rights movement and how it shaped people lives in the time
and how it changed your world to make it what it is today.
Solving: One Problem, Many Solutions - The Fight for Civil Rights -
Grades 9-12 - Historically, problems have had many different solutions. The
struggle for civil rights in the 1950's and 1960's was no different. Martin
Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two prominent African-American leaders and
both provided solutions to the same problems. With careful analysis of excerpts
from two documents(a speech and a letter) students will learn that there were
several solutions to the same problems. They will identify the solutions
presented in the two documents and note which ways the ideologies of Martin
Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were similar and different.
Lessons from Martin Luther King, Jr. - Grades 9-12 - This track is
designed to use in conjunction with Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Students will
study the text of King's "I Have a Dream" speech and listen to
excerpts from it in his own voice. Students will explore what makes a great
speech, and finish by preparing a speech of their own on the topic: Have black
people today reached the "promised land" that King dreamed of?
All About
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Printout with brief biography and picture to
Luther King, Jr. Day Activities - Here are a number of activities to use
with your class.
Martin Luther King
- Activities - childfun.com
Times: Martin Luther King Jr. Quiz
Luther King Quiz for Kids
the Mountain Top - The Martin Luther King, Jr. Quiz
Martin Luther King Day Cards - with animations and changeable suggested
Luther King Day Electronic Cards - Choose Image & Music.
Teeny Tiny Book - Print out the pages, Cut them out, Color the pages and
Staple them together in order.
Luther King Jr. - Grade 1 - In January we celebrate the life and dream
of Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a man who believed in using nonviolent methods
to gain justice and equality for all people. I hope these activities will help
you celebrate this incredible man. Peacemakers, Dream Mobile, Connected Paper
Luther King Day at The Holiday Zone - Arts and Crafts, Discussion
Topics, Language Activities, "Lift Every Voice and Sing", Songs for
Children, and Recommended Links.
Student Web Page Contest - City of Bloomington IN - Web Page Design
Contest: information, submissions from former years and winning web sites from
previous years.
Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. Scavenger Hunt - On the third Monday in January, we celebrate
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. Below are questions that will help you
learn more about Dr. M. L. King. Follow the links in each section to find the
Martin Luther King -
Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Where Monsters Can Grow -
Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Martin Luther
King, Jr. Word Search for Kids
Martin Luther King
- Elder's Word Search
What is a Hero?
Crossword Puzzle - Martin
Luther King Jr.
XWordz Puzzle - Martin Luther
King Jr.
Web - A Teacher's Guide to Martin Luther King, Jr. on the Web: Books;
Links; Speeches and Quotes; Video; Audio; Biographies, Chronologies and
Analysis; MLK in the Classroom; MLK Museums, Photos, & Images; and
Miscellaneous. MLK Resources.
Times: MLK - Electronic Classroom - An extensive set of teacher
resources: Believing the Dream, Classes in conversation, Test your knowledge,
Study Guide, Internet Links, and Tell us your Thoughts.
Luther King, Jr., NHS Parks As Classrooms - The Parks As Classrooms
program is a concerted nationwide initiative to utilize the wonderful resources
of the National Park System for teaching and learning purposes -- in the
process, making education active, experiential and fun. The Martin Luther King,
Jr. National Historic Site has developed curriculum based education programs on
the life of Dr. King, the Civil Rights Movement, the Sweet Auburn Community and
the National Park Service.
on the Move - Grades 6-12 - Play Script - From African Americans Who
Made A Difference.
Ways to Celebrate Dr. King’s Birthday with Kids - We know Dr. King was
a great man, but it's hard to know how to celebrate by making January 15th a
great day. In honor of the gifts he gave our nation, try these five creative
ways to help children celebrate Dr. King's vision of hope and sense of humanity.
MLK Web: A Teacher's Guide to
Martin Luther King Links, Books, Movies, Posters, etc. -
Race is Lived in America - NY Times Learning - Articles, Lesson Plans,
Questionnaire, Crossword Puzzles, Web Guide, and Book List.
Rights: A NY Times Learning Network Lesson Plan Unit - Grades 6-12 - The
Learning Network has developed lesson plan units that use recent New York Times
articles as springboards for examining important curricular topics in
interesting and exciting ways.
Luther King Day 2001 - Join Education World this January 15th as we
celebrate Martin Luther King Day. We have articles, lesson ideas, books,
activities, and much more.
Birthday, MLK! - Just in time to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s
birthday - activities across the grades for learning about the life of the
famous civil rights leader!
Plan Ideas - Related to Martin Martin Luther King Jr. and his life.
Martin Luther, Jr. - Encarta Encyclopedia - Lengthy comprehensive
Luther King, Jr. - From BlackVoices.Com - Where African-Americans Live
Martin Luther King, Jr. - From the National Civil Rights Museum.
Encyclopedia.com -
Results for King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.:
A Biographical Sketch - LSU Libraries, Louisiana State University.
Luther King, Jr. - American Civil-Rights Leader - From Lucid
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
A Biography - New York State Holiday Celebration.
Martin Luther, Jr. - Biography.com.
A Man Of the Cloth - The Christian Science Monitor.
of Martin Luther King, Jr. - A Proclamation 1968 Issued by President
Lyndon B. Johnson on April 5, 1968.
on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968 Delivered by Robert
F. Kennedy on the evening of April 4, 1968.
Voices -- Milestones in the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
King Timeline: 1929-1959 - Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement.
Dr. King
Timeline: 1960-1968 - Dr King and the Civil Rights Movement.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project: Chronology - Stanford
Timeline of Events in
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Life - Louisiana State University.
Timeline: Martin
Luther King, Jr. - Infoplease.com
Man of the Year: Martin Luther King Jr. - Time Magazine.
OK'S MARTIN LUTHER KING MEMORIAL - Wednesday, September 16, 1981,
Associated Press.
the day Martin Luther King Jr. died - April 3, 1998 - CNN.
was more fighter than dreamer - Daily Illini Online Archive for
Luther King Jr. offered bipartisan leadership - Daily Illini Online
Archive for 1996/January/16.
Rights: How Far Have We Come? - by Kathy Wilmore, Junior Scholastic.
King Was Not a "Dreamer" - by Paul Rockwell - Human &
Civil Rights / In Motion Magazine.
Have a Dream" - From American Adventures by Ira Peck, Scholastic
Luther King Jr. Commemorative Stamp - GeorgiaInfo - Carl Vinson
Institute of Government, The University of Georgia.
Luther King, Jr. and Nonviolent Families - By Alvin Poussaint, M.D. and
Susan Linn, Ed.D.
Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement by Sanderson Beck.
Luther King, Jr.: Bound to Love - Knowledge of Reality Magazine.
Face For The $10 Bill? - by John Shabe, Scholastic News.
Conversation with Rev. Bernice King -- January 15, 1997 Online NewsHour
Interview with Charlayne Hunter-Gault.
Kennedy's Speech on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Death - April 4, 1968,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Forgotten Teachings of Martin Luther King - by Paul Rockwell / Human
& Civil Rights /In Motion Magazine.
Life and Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Part 1 - This article was
originally published in Scholastic Scope.
Life and Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Part 2 - This article was
originally published in Scholastic Scope.
Thirty years since
the assassination of Martin Luther King - By Helen Halyard, 4 April
1998, World Socialist Web.
100: Leaders & Revolutionaries - Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King Day means to me - by Akilah Monifa, The Progressive
Media Project.
King Conspiracy Theories
- Was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. killed by the Green Berets, the mob, or the
sinister mastermind Raul?
What We Should Remember on
Martin Luther King Day - Judge People by Their Character, Not Skin Color
Proposal for the
Eradication of Racial Conflict in America - Original writing of 6/12/96,
mailed to President Bill Clinton, Mrs. Coretta King, Ward Connerly, Bill Cosby,
William Raspberry and The San Diego Union-Tribune.
brief life left an enduring legacy - Jan. 18, 1998 - CNN.
has become of his legacy? - A 'Great Dream,' still deferred.. - Black
Luther King Jr.: the legacy - Jan. 19, 1998 - CNN.
Impact of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream - National Museum of
American Art.
Legacy - Online NewsHour: David Gergen and Taylor Branch - February 2,
the dream - What Dr. Martin Luther King means to me - MLK Student
- The Legacy - Seattle Times.
Thoughts - Impact of Martin Luther King Jr. - Daniel Moss.
Famous Quotes:
Luther King Day Quotes - Spiritual understanding of the man.
of Quotes - MLK Online.
and Images - Martin Luther King, Jr., Dreamfest '99, Town of Cary, North
From Martin Luther King Jr. - Black History Page - Ken Love.
for Equality: Quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr. - originally published
in Scholastic Newstime.
Luther King Jr. State Celebration Commission - State of Missouri - The
commission considers and recommends to individuals and organizations appropriate
activities for the recognition and celebration of Martin Luther King Day in
Missouri. Created by executive order on December 2, 1985, the commission
consists of seven members who serve at the pleasure of the governor.
Carolina. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission - The Martin Luther King Jr.
Commission shall have the following functions and duties: To encourage
appropriate ceremonies and activities throughout the state relating to the
observance of the legal holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday; To
provide assistance to local governments and private organizations across the
state with respect to the observance of such holiday; and To promote among the
people of North Carolina an awareness and appreciation of the life and work of
Martin Luther King Jr.
Utah State
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Human Rights Commission - In 1986, Utah
declared the MLK holiday to be an official state holiday called Martin Luther
King, Jr./Human Rights Day. In 1991, the Utah State Martin Luther King Jr./Human
Rights Commission (MLK Commission) was established by Executive Order.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Committee at Boston College - Our
Mission is to educate the Boston College Community about Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr.'s dream of social justice and equality.
Luther King, Jr. Statue Foundation - The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Memorial Sculpture is a heroic scale (7-foot plus high) sculpture depicting the
"Great Man" stepping forward with conviction and determination to
deliver his message to the world.
Luther King, Jr. - Life Magazine Covers - Index.
Classic Images - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Index.
Art: Martin Luther King - Black and white drawings.
Culture - Photographs
photos near the top of this web page are from the National Archives. Additional copies and larger
sizes are available there.
Video Files:
Luther King Jr. - Another part from the "I have a Dream"
Speech - 1963 March on Washington D.C. (727k, Quicktime).
Audio Files:
Audio Archives: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - several audio clips (wav
Luther King warning about uncontrolled defense expenditures (RealAudio).
Martin Luther King, Jr.---I Have a Dream Lincoln Memorial, Washington
D.C., August 28, 1963 (RealAudio 4.56 min).
have a dream" 1963 (693K .wav).
Freedom Ring" 1963 (611k .wav).
Land" Mason Temple, Memphis, Tennessee - 3 April 1968, the evening
before his assassination (594k .wav).
And Letters From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Student Web Sites:
2000 ... I Have a Dream Too - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. shared a dream
and a vision for a better world. We all have dreams... those times when you
close your eyes and imagine how things could be. Thanks to the schools below for
sharing their dreams. We join them in encouraging you to work every day to make
your dreams come true.
Dr. King Project - Our class did an extensive research project about the
life and efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, jr. We used the following resources:
books, magazines, newspaper articles, and the Internet.
History Snapshot Biographies - Morningside School, Great Falls, Montana.
Martin Luther King Jr. - Roberto Clemente Middle School, Germantown,
Luther King, Jr. - Donegal Middle School.
Luther King, Jr. - Profile School, Bethlehem, NH.
Official Martin Luther King Jr. Site - Smyrna High School.
Luther King - Mrs. Kinkead's 6th Grade Class, University Elementary
School, Bloomington, Indiana.
Dr. King! - Whippnay Park High School.
Luther King Web Pages - Tri-North Middle School, Bloomington, Indiana.
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Rogers Elementary School, Bloomington,
Luther King, Jr. - Timeline - Broadview Elementary, Bloomington,
Luther King Jr. - Original stories and poems - Binford Elementary
School, Bloomington, Indiana.
Middle School Celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - First Web Page
Publishing Activity - Bloomington, Indiana.
to Life - Time Line, Pictures, MLK Links, I have a Dread!, Evan's
Thoughts - Aurora Alternative High School. - Bloomington, Indiana.
Luther King, Jr.: Resources and Info - Bloomington High School North,
Bloomington, Indiana.
Luther King Jr. - Man, Mission, Memory - Jackson Creek Middle School,
Bloomington, Indiana.
Computer Club's MLK Project - Broadview Elementary, Bloomington,
Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Fairview Elementary School,
Bloomington, Indiana.
Elementary MLK Sites - Grandview Elementary School, Bloomington,
King Timeline - With student illustrations - Buckman Elementary School,
Portland, Oregon.
I Have a
Dream Too - MidLink Magazine and Electronic Elementary invited students
around the country and the world to read Martin Luther King’s famous speech
and describe their own dreams for peace and understanding. Moorhead Elementary
Students in the following classes decided to do just that.
for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Scholastic.com.
Luther King, Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University